Spartan Sprint 5K

On the 24th July New Waveney Valley AC Member Mark Nussey competed in the Spartan Sprint 5K event at Bassingbourn Military base, Royson. This muddy 3.1 mile event has more than 10 obstacles, which included mud runs, cargo net climbs, wall climbs, rope climbs, 200m pitch black drainage tunnel, 100m crawl under barbed wire, a carry of 25kg bucket of rocks round a 100m course, a river crossing either by swimming or using a wobbly bridge, 3 x hill climbs carrying a tyre, fire jump, crawl through a pit of ice under barbed wire and just before crossing the finish line there are two gladiators with pugels trying to smack your legs from under you. It is obstacle racing at it’s toughest. Mark finished in 48.49 minutes, giving him an excellant overall postion of 62nd place from over 1300 competitors.